Removing "utf8=✓" from Rails 3 form submissions

form_tag in Rails 4.2 (and probably earlier) has a :enforce_utf8 option;

If set to false, a hidden input with name utf8 is not output.

(Same as

Even though you aren't doing anything with the parameter, Rails is. It's to correct some issues in IE's parameter encoding. Yehuda has more info here:

What is the _snowman param in Ruby on Rails 3 forms for?

Once you understand the purpose of the Rails UTF-8 param, and for some reason you still need to remove it, the solution is easier than you think...just don't use the form_tag helper:

<form action="<%= search_path %>" method="get">
  <%= text_field_tag :q, params[:q] %>
  <%= submit_tag "search", :name => nil %>