Renaming job in jenkins/hudson
You can rename selected job through jenkins UI by following these steps:
job>configure>Advanced Project Options>Display Name
Other way is to rename the directory on the Jenkins/hudson
server and then restart
the Jenkins
For Quick understanding I used some screenshots:
I used Jenkins version: 2.148
Step 1:
On home screen / Job list just click on job option.
Just open Job details you will see left side option for rename.
Step 2:
Enter new name and just click on Rename button
Just for the sake of completeness, want to mention the update of Hudson job name using Groovy script console:
// Groovy script to rename job in Hudson
import hudson.model.*;
def JOB_PATTERN = ~/^MY_JOB.*$/; //find all jobs starting with "MY_JOB".
def NEW_PART = "_NEW"
(Hudson.instance.items.findAll { job -> =~ JOB_PATTERN }).each { job_to_update ->
println ("Updating job " +;
def new_job_name = + NEW_PART; //Append new part to the job name
println ("New name: " + new_job_name);
println ("Updated name: " +;
Rather helpful if you need to update several dozens of jobs at the same time.
Note: The following code will not work: = new_job_name;;
Setting the name of the job to new and saving configuration will not rename current job, but create a copy of the job configuration with a new name. Also, in this case, there might be broken references, so Hudson will need to have configuration reloaded.