Rendering directives within $sce.trustAsHtml

$sce.trustAsHtml and ng-bind-html are not meant to build HTML with directives. This technique will not work.

This is because angular works by first compiling and then linking. See the conceptual overview for a good explaination.

In short, by the time you link the HTML defined in your trustAsHtml, it is too late for angular to compile (and therefore understand) the ng-click directive.

In order to dynamically add HTML, you should be looking at the $compile service (and/or directives). Docs are here.

For Angular 1.6.1, I found a solution that worked for me.


<div ng-bind-html="trustAsHtml(content);" init-bind> </div>

In controller:

    $scope.trustAsHtml = function(string) {
        return $sce.trustAsHtml(string);


.directive('initBind', function($compile) {
return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link : function (scope, element, attr) {