Rendering nested/threaded comments in React

If you turn that list into a structure which actually reflects the nested hierarchy of the comments, then you'll have an easier time building a component for rendering them.

    id: 1,
    children: [
      { id: 2, children: [] },
      { id: 3, children: [ ... ] }

You could implement a function to do the conversion.

function nestComments(commentList) {
  const commentMap = {};

  // move all the comments into a map of id => comment
  commentList.forEach(comment => commentMap[] = comment);

  // iterate over the comments again and correctly nest the children
  commentList.forEach(comment => {
    if(comment.parentId !== null) {
      const parent = commentMap[comment.parentId];
      (parent.children = parent.children || []).push(comment);

  // filter the list to return a list of correctly nested comments
  return commentList.filter(comment => {
    return comment.parentId === null;

Here's an idea for how you could go from that flat structure to a list of nested comments. Once you're done with that implementation, all you'd need would be a recursive React component.

function Comment({ comment }) {
  const nestedComments = (comment.children || []).map(comment => {
    return <Comment comment={comment} />;

  return (
    <div key={}>
      <a href={}>{}</a>