Renewcommand with ensuremath and brackets

I merely added {} in the \DEFapol macro in the part that went


Here is the MWE:












enter image description here

Leaving aside \ensuremath that doesn't seem necessary (and seldom is), here's what happens with \DEFapol[X,Y,Z]{\fq}


When you now call \apol, you get


and the definition of \fq produces X,Y,Z according to its definition.

What you want is something that avoids a possible misinterpretation of [ as the delimiter of an optional argument; the primitive \mathopen comes very handy, as it transforms [ into an Open atom, which it already is.


Hence the code is


On the other hand, I'm not sure this is really useful, because when you'll reread the typescript you would not remember what a particular \apol stands for.