Repeat request (Angular2 - http.get) n seconds after finished

A minor rework of the answer from Can Nguyen, in case you want polling delay to depend on previous request completion status.

var pollData = () => request()   // make request
    .do(handler, errorHandler)   // handle response data or error
    .ignoreElements()            // ignore request progress notifications
    .materialize();              // wrap error/complete notif-ns into Notification

pollData()                            // get our Observable<Notification>...
  .expand(                            // ...and recursively map...
    (n) => Rx.Observable              // ...each Notification object...
      .timer(n.error ? 1000 : 5000)   // ...(with delay depending on previous completion status)...
      .concatMap(() => pollData()))   // new Observable<Notification>


Or alternatively:

var pollData = () => request()             // make request
    .last()                                // take last progress value
    .catch(() => Rx.Observable.of(null));  // replace error with null-value

    (data) => Rx.Observable
      .timer(data ? 5000 : 1000)           // delay depends on a value
      .concatMap(() => pollData()))
  .subscribe((d) => {console.log(d);});    // can subscribe to the value stream at the end


Update to RxJS 6

import { timer } from 'rxjs';
import { concatMap, map, expand, catchError } from 'rxjs/operators';

pollData$ = this._http.get(this._url)

  expand(_ => timer(4000).pipe(concatMap(_ => pollData$)))

I'm using RxJS 5 and I'm not sure what the RxJS 4 equivalent operators are. Anyway here is my RxJS 5 solution, hope it helps:

var pollData = this._http.get(this._url)
  () => Observable.timer(4000).concatMap(() => pollData)

The expand operator will emit the data and recursively start a new Observable with each emission

I managed to do it myself, with the only downside beeing that http.get can't be repeated more easily.

pollData(): Observable<any> {

  //Creating a subject
  var pollSubject = new Subject<any>();

  //Define the Function which subscribes our pollSubject to a new http.get observable (see _pollLiveData() below)
  var subscribeToNewRequestObservable = () => {
      (res) => { }

  //Subscribe our "subscription-function" to custom subject (observable) with 4000ms of delay added

  //Call the "subscription-function" to execute the first request

  //Return observable of our subject
  return pollSubject.asObservable();


private _pollLiveData() {

  var url = 'http://localhost:4711/poll/';

  return this._http.get(url)
    (res) => { return res.json(); }

Here is why you can't use the more straight forward subscription:

var subscribeToNewRequestObservable = () => {

The completion the http.get-observable would also complete your subject and prevent it from emitting further items.

This is still a cold observable, so unless you subscribe to it no requests will be made.

  (res) => { this.count = res.count; }