Replace alias to form phrases

JavaScript (ES6) 58

Recursive function




// Version without default parameters, same length but using a global
// f=(s,h)=>(r=s.replace(/#(1?\d)/g,(_,x)=>h[x]))==s?r:f(r,h)


  ['##1#23',['WEIRD','0 C','AS']],
  ["#0!",["We are #1","#2","#3","#4 !","graduating"]],
    ["t","#12#3","#11ga#3","#0#10v#11","#0h#10#8g","#7#8","a#8"," ","n","o","i","e","P#9s#10"]
  ["#0 & #3",["Programming #1","Puzzles","Code","#2 Golf"]]
  var a=t[0],b=t[1]
  console.log(a+' ['+b+']\n -> '+f(a,b))
<pre id=O></pre>

Julia, 112 107 66 bytes


This is a recursive function that accepts a string an an array and returns a string. It uses 0-based indexing.

We begin by constructing a string r as the input string s with all matches of the regular expression #1?\d replaced with the element of x corresponding to 1 + the integer parsed out of the match. If this is equal to s, we return s, otherwise we recurse, passing r as the string.

Mathematica, 74 bytes


Not too complicated. Most of it is just dedicated to creating the indices.