Replace all without a regex where can I use the G

string = string.replace(new RegExp("\\[token\\]","g"), tokenValue);

Caution with the accepted answer, the replaceWith string can contain the inToReplace string, in which case there will be an infinite loop...

Here a better version:

function replaceSubstring(inSource, inToReplace, inReplaceWith)
    var outString = [];
    var repLen = inToReplace.length;

    while (true)
        var idx = inSource.indexOf(inToReplace);
        if (idx == -1)

        outString.push(inSource.substring(0, idx))

        inSource = inSource.substring(idx + repLen);

    return outString.join("");

Why not replace the token every time it appears with a do while loop?

var index = 0;
do {
    string = string.replace(token, tokenValue);
} while((index = string.indexOf(token, index + 1)) > -1);

I have found split/join satisfactory enough for most of my cases. A real-life example:
