Replace part number by an acronym
The MWE in the question already contains a redefinition of \thechapter
. This can be customized further by replacing the part counter \thepart
with a new macro that contains the required abbreviation.
To set this using an optional argument to \part
the old definition of \part
can be stored in another macro such as \oldpart
, and then \part
can be redefined to accept an optional argument, store that in a macro, and then call the \oldpart
macro which will process the default argument, similar to Optional arguments in \def. The default value of the optional argument is \thepart
, to allow parts without a label to be numbered with the roman part number.
When a Table of Contents is printed the chapter labels do not fit the default width, this can be addressed using \RedeclareSectionCommand
%reset chapter for each part
\chapter{Chap 1}
\chapter{Chap 2}
\chapter{Chap 1}
\chapter{Chap 2}
Like this?
%reset chapter for each part
\renewcommand\cftchapnumwidth{1.2cm} %<-- For tableofcontents
\prt{ALG}{Algebra} %\part[ALG]{Algebra} ?
\chapter{Chap 1}
\chapter{Chap 1}
\chapter{Chap 1}
Here is a simple solution, with an \acropart
command to be used just after the \part
\part{Algebra} %\part[ALG]{Algebra} ?
\chapter{Chapter the first}
\chapter{Chapter the second}
\chapter{Chapter the first}
\chapter{Chapter the first}