Replace part of string with tag in JSX

When you pass a JSX element to replace() as the second argument, that element is converted to a string because replace() expects a string as a second argument. What you need to do is convert your string to an array of strings and JSX elements. So your result variable should contain something like ['Lorem ', <div className="spacer"></div>, ' ipsum'].

Something like this:

function flatMap(array, fn) {
  var result = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    var mapping = fn(array[i]);
    result = result.concat(mapping);
  return result;

var Comp = React.createClass({
  render: function () {
    var result = 'Lorem : ipsum';
    result = flatMap(result.split(':'), function (part) {
      return [part, <div>spacer</div>];
    // Remove the last spacer
    return (

The accepted answer is 5 years old. For this problem issue #3368 was created and based on the solution provided by a Facebook employee working on React, react-string-replace was created.

Using react-string-replace, here is how you can solve your problem

const reactStringReplace = require('react-string-replace');

const HighlightNumbers = React.createClass({
  render() {
    const content = 'Hey my number is 555:555:5555.';
    return (
        {reactStringReplace(content, ':', (match, i) => (
          <div className="spacer"></div>

As I am a perfectionist. I think this pattern is perfect:

String.prototype.replaceJSX = (find, replace) => {
    return this.split(find).flatMap((item) => [item, replace]);


variable.replaceJSX(":", <br />);