Replacement for default Visual Studio Resx editor?

A wee bit on the late side: I find Zeta Resource editor very useful. More or less the same feature, and quite polished:

  • Auto-translate
  • Warning of inconsistent formatting arguments
  • Load from VS solution
  • Nesting of translations
  • Colors indicating translation status

Addendum: it seems Google Translate / Bing Translate have changed into being a paid services. Auto-translation is still available, yet you need an API key and billing information.

This tool ResEx inherited from Dimitris Papadimitriou is awesome.
Features I love:

  1. Warns you if you are missing a {0} that is defined in the default resx file
  2. Translate side by side
  3. Warnings about shortcut characters

ResXManager is another great free tool that integrates with Visual Studio.

From the site:

You can quickly navigate through all resource files and view the content in a well-arranged data grid. It makes it easy to find untranslated strings or clean up orphaned entries. All strings can be quickly edited in place, ...

The tool is still updated and is available as VS2012-2017 extension and standalone executable to support VS2010 and older.

enter image description here