Replacing a specific pattern of values at level 2 in a list
tl = {{True, False, m12}, {False, m22, m33}, {m32, False, True}};
Replace[tl, Except[True | False] :> z, {2}]
(* {{True, False, z}, {False, z, z}, {z, False, True}} *)
One rather literal (string-based) interpretation of your question:
tl = {{True, False, m12}, {False, m22, m33}, {m32, False, True}};
tl /. s_ /; StringTake[ToString[s], 1] == "m" :> X
{{True, False, X}, {False, X, X}, {X, False, True}}
In this way the True and False conditions are analyzed
tl = {{True, False, m12}, {False, m22, m33}, {m32, False, True}};
Map[If[ToString[#1] == "True" || ToString[#1] == "False", #1,
x] & , tl, {2}]
$\left( \begin{array}{ccc} \text{True} & \text{False} & x \\ \text{False} & x & x \\ x & \text{False} & \text{True} \\ \end{array} \right)$