replacing quotes, commas, apostrophes w/ regex - python/pandas

You can use str.replace:

test['Address 1'] = test['Address 1'].str.replace(r"[\"\',]", '')


import pandas as pd

test = pd.DataFrame({'Address 1': ["'aaa",'sa,ss"']})
print (test)
  Address 1
0      'aaa
1    sa,ss"

test['Address 1'] = test['Address 1'].str.replace(r"[\"\',]", '')
print (test)
  Address 1
0       aaa
1      sass

Here's the pandas solution: To apply it to an entire dataframe use, df.replace. Don't forget the \ character for the apostrophe. Example:

import pandas as pd
df = #some dataframe
df.replace('\'','', regex=True, inplace=True)