Replication Monitor Information using T-SQL
After doing some online search,I found what you needed,hope my answer helps you.
Answer 1
It Only works with transactional and transactional peer to peer replication
T-SQL script which you can use to monitor the status of transactional replication and performance of publications and subscriptions.
Things to be considered before executing the below script
Requires permission on the following tables inside distribution and master databases
- MSdistribution_status
- MSdistribution_agents
- MSArticles
- MSreplication_monitordata
- MSdistribution_history
- servers
USE [distribution]
IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb.dbo.#ReplStats') IS NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#ReplStats](
[DistributionAgentName] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,
[DistributionAgentStartTime] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[DistributionAgentRunningDurationInSeconds] [int] NOT NULL,
[IsAgentRunning] [bit] NULL,
[ReplicationStatus] [varchar](14) NULL,
[LastSynchronized] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[Comments] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
[Publisher] [sysname] NOT NULL,
[PublicationName] [sysname] NOT NULL,
[PublisherDB] [sysname] NOT NULL,
[Subscriber] [nvarchar](128) NULL,
[SubscriberDB] [sysname] NULL,
[SubscriptionType] [varchar](64) NULL,
[DistributionDB] [sysname] NULL,
[Article] [sysname] NOT NULL,
[UndelivCmdsInDistDB] [int] NULL,
[DelivCmdsInDistDB] [int] NULL,
[CurrentSessionDeliveryRate] [float] NOT NULL,
[CurrentSessionDeliveryLatency] [int] NOT NULL,
[TotalTransactionsDeliveredInCurrentSession] [int] NOT NULL,
[TotalCommandsDeliveredInCurrentSession] [int] NOT NULL,
[AverageCommandsDeliveredInCurrentSession] [int] NOT NULL,
[DeliveryRate] [float] NOT NULL,
[DeliveryLatency] [int] NOT NULL,
[TotalCommandsDeliveredSinceSubscriptionSetup] [int] NOT NULL,
[SequenceNumber] [varbinary](16) NULL,
[LastDistributerSync] [datetime] NULL,
[Retention] [int] NULL,
[WorstLatency] [int] NULL,
[BestLatency] [int] NULL,
[AverageLatency] [int] NULL,
[CurrentLatency] [int] NULL
SELECT da.[name] AS [DistributionAgentName]
,dh.[start_time] AS [DistributionAgentStartTime]
,dh.[duration] AS [DistributionAgentRunningDurationInSeconds]
,md.[isagentrunningnow] AS [IsAgentRunning]
,CASE md.[status]
WHEN 1 THEN '1 - Started'
WHEN 2 THEN '2 - Succeeded'
WHEN 3 THEN '3 - InProgress'
WHEN 4 THEN '4 - Idle'
WHEN 5 THEN '5 - Retrying'
WHEN 6 THEN '6 - Failed'
END AS [ReplicationStatus]
,dh.[time] AS [LastSynchronized]
,dh.[comments] AS [Comments]
,md.[publisher] AS [Publisher]
,da.[publication] AS [PublicationName]
,da.[publisher_db] AS [PublisherDB]
WHEN da.[anonymous_subid] IS NOT NULL
THEN UPPER(da.[subscriber_name])
ELSE UPPER (s.[name]) END AS [Subscriber]
,da.[subscriber_db] AS [SubscriberDB]
,CASE da.[subscription_type]
WHEN '0' THEN 'Push'
WHEN '1' THEN 'Pull'
WHEN '2' THEN 'Anonymous'
ELSE CAST(da.[subscription_type] AS [varchar](64)) END AS [SubscriptionType]
,md.[distdb] AS [DistributionDB]
,ma.[article] AS [Article]
,dh.[current_delivery_rate] AS [CurrentSessionDeliveryRate]
,dh.[current_delivery_latency] AS [CurrentSessionDeliveryLatency]
,dh.[delivered_transactions] AS [TotalTransactionsDeliveredInCurrentSession]
,dh.[delivered_commands] AS [TotalCommandsDeliveredInCurrentSession]
,dh.[average_commands] AS [AverageCommandsDeliveredInCurrentSession]
,dh.[delivery_rate] AS [DeliveryRate]
,dh.[delivery_latency] AS [DeliveryLatency]
,dh.[total_delivered_commands] AS [TotalCommandsDeliveredSinceSubscriptionSetup]
,dh.[xact_seqno] AS [SequenceNumber]
,md.[last_distsync] AS [LastDistributerSync]
,md.[retention] AS [Retention]
,md.[worst_latency] AS [WorstLatency]
,md.[best_latency] AS [BestLatency]
,md.[avg_latency] AS [AverageLatency]
,md.[cur_latency] AS [CurrentLatency]
FROM [distribution]..[MSdistribution_status] ds
INNER JOIN [distribution]..[MSdistribution_agents] da
ON da.[id] = ds.[agent_id]
INNER JOIN [distribution]..[MSArticles] ma
ON ma.publisher_id = da.publisher_id
AND ma.[article_id] = ds.[article_id]
INNER JOIN [distribution]..[MSreplication_monitordata] md
ON [md].[job_id] = da.[job_id]
INNER JOIN [distribution]..[MSdistribution_history] dh
ON [dh].[agent_id] = md.[agent_id]
AND md.[agent_type] = 3
INNER JOIN [master].[sys].[servers] s
ON s.[server_id] = da.[subscriber_id]
--Created WHEN your publication has the immediate_sync property set to true. This property dictates
--whether snapshot is available all the time for new subscriptions to be initialized.
--This affects the cleanup behavior of transactional replication. If this property is set to true,
--the transactions will be retained for max retention period instead of it getting cleaned up
--as soon as all the subscriptions got the change.
WHERE da.[subscriber_db] <> 'virtual'
AND da.[anonymous_subid] IS NULL
AND dh.[start_time] = (SELECT TOP 1 start_time
FROM [distribution]..[MSdistribution_history] a
JOIN [distribution]..[MSdistribution_agents] b
ON a.[agent_id] = b.[id] AND b.[subscriber_db] <> 'virtual'
WHERE [runstatus] <> 1
ORDER BY [start_time] DESC)
AND dh.[runstatus] <> 1
SELECT 'Transactional Replication Summary' AS [Comments];
SELECT [DistributionAgentName]
,SUM([UndelivCmdsInDistDB]) AS [UndelivCmdsInDistDB]
,SUM([DelivCmdsInDistDB]) AS [DelivCmdsInDistDB]
FROM #ReplStats
GROUP BY [DistributionAgentName]
SELECT 'Transactional Replication Summary Details' AS [Comments];
SELECT [Publisher]
,SUM([UndelivCmdsInDistDB]) AS [UndelivCmdsInDistDB]
,SUM([DelivCmdsInDistDB]) AS [DelivCmdsInDistDB]
FROM #ReplStats
GROUP BY [Publisher]
Answer 2
Script_2 found on MSDN
--First you find the distributor servername using the below running in publisher
Use master
EXEC sp_helpdistributor;
--Then you can run the below to find the type (use distributor database)
WHEN mdh.runstatus = '1' THEN 'Start - '+cast(mdh.runstatus as varchar)
WHEN mdh.runstatus = '2' THEN 'Succeed - '+cast(mdh.runstatus as varchar)
WHEN mdh.runstatus = '3' THEN 'InProgress - '+cast(mdh.runstatus as varchar)
WHEN mdh.runstatus = '4' THEN 'Idle - '+cast(mdh.runstatus as varchar)
WHEN mdh.runstatus = '5' THEN 'Retry - '+cast(mdh.runstatus as varchar)
WHEN mdh.runstatus = '6' THEN 'Fail - '+cast(mdh.runstatus as varchar)
ELSE CAST(mdh.runstatus AS VARCHAR)
END) [Run Status],
mda.subscriber_db [Subscriber DB],
mda.publication [PUB Name],
CONVERT(VARCHAR(25),mdh.[time]) [LastSynchronized],
und.UndelivCmdsInDistDB [UndistCom],
mdh.comments [Comments],
'select * from distribution.dbo.msrepl_errors (nolock) where id = ' + CAST(mdh.error_id AS VARCHAR(8)) [Query More Info],
mdh.xact_seqno [SEQ_NO],
WHEN mda.subscription_type = '0' THEN 'Push'
WHEN mda.subscription_type = '1' THEN 'Pull'
WHEN mda.subscription_type = '2' THEN 'Anonymous'
ELSE CAST(mda.subscription_type AS VARCHAR)
END) [SUB Type],
mda.publisher_db+' - '+CAST(mda.publisher_database_id as varchar) [Publisher DB], [Pub - DB - Publication - SUB - AgentID]
FROM distribution.dbo.MSdistribution_agents mda
LEFT JOIN distribution.dbo.MSdistribution_history mdh ON mdh.agent_id =
(SELECT s.agent_id, MaxAgentValue.[time], SUM(CASE WHEN xact_seqno > MaxAgentValue.maxseq THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS UndelivCmdsInDistDB
FROM distribution.dbo.MSrepl_commands t (NOLOCK)
JOIN distribution.dbo.MSsubscriptions AS s (NOLOCK) ON (t.article_id = s.article_id AND t.publisher_database_id=s.publisher_database_id )
(SELECT hist.agent_id, MAX(hist.[time]) AS [time], h.maxseq
FROM distribution.dbo.MSdistribution_history hist (NOLOCK)
JOIN (SELECT agent_id,ISNULL(MAX(xact_seqno),0x0) AS maxseq
FROM distribution.dbo.MSdistribution_history (NOLOCK)
GROUP BY agent_id) AS h
ON (hist.agent_id=h.agent_id AND h.maxseq=hist.xact_seqno)
GROUP BY hist.agent_id, h.maxseq
) AS MaxAgentValue
ON MaxAgentValue.agent_id = s.agent_id
GROUP BY s.agent_id, MaxAgentValue.[time]
) und
ON = und.agent_id AND und.[time] = mdh.[time]
where mda.subscriber_db<>'virtual' -- created when your publication has the immediate_sync property set to true. This property dictates whether snapshot is available all the time for new subscriptions to be initialized. This affects the cleanup behavior of transactional replication. If this property is set to true, the transactions will be retained for max retention period instead of it getting cleaned up as soon as all the subscriptions got the change.
--and mdh.runstatus='6' --Fail
--and mdh.runstatus<>'2' --Succeed
order by mdh.[time]
Answer 3
Script featured on SimpleTalk TSQL as an agent job.
Step 1
Create in a DBA database installed on the subscriber server. The code to create the table is:
CREATE TABLE dbo.Replication_Qu_History(
Subscriber_db varchar(50) NOT NULL,
Records_In_Que numeric(18, 0) NULL,
CatchUpTime numeric(18, 0) NULL,
LogDate datetime NOT NULL,
Subscriber_db ASC, LogDate DESC
Script 1
The data in this table is populated by the monitoring procedures and provides an historical context for examining issues. But to monitor what is happening right now more is required.
There are three things that help to determine the health of replication.
- The status of the replication related jobs
- The latency (especially the distribution latency) as measured by the counter Dist:Delivery Latency
The number of outstanding commands that are pending for the subscription
DECLARE @cmd NVARCHAR(max) DECLARE @publisher SYSNAME, @publisher_db SYSNAME, @publication SYSNAME, @pubtype INT DECLARE @subscriber SYSNAME, @subscriber_db SYSNAME, @subtype INT DECLARE @cmdcount INT, @processtime INT DECLARE @ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(500) DECLARE @JobName SYSNAME DECLARE @minutes INT, @threshold INT, @maxCommands INT, @mail CHAR(1) = 'N' SET @minutes = 60 --> Define how many minutes latency before you would like to be notified SET @maxCommands = 80000 ---> change this to represent the max number of outstanding commands to be proceduresed before notification SET @threshold = @minutes * 60 SELECT * INTO #PublisherInfo FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB', 'SERVER=(LOCAL);TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;' , 'SET FMTONLY OFF EXEC distribution.dbo.sp_replmonitorhelppublisher') SELECT @publisher = publisher FROM #PublisherInfo SET @cmd = 'SELECT * INTO ##PublicationInfo FROM OPENROWSET(''SQLOLEDB'',''SERVER=(LOCAL);TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES'' ,''SET FMTONLY OFF EXEC distribution.dbo.sp_replmonitorhelppublication @publisher=' + @publisher + ''')' --select @cmd EXEC sp_executesql @cmd SELECT @publisher_db=publisher_db, @publication=publication, @pubtype=publication_type FROM ##PublicationInfo SET @cmd = 'SELECT * INTO ##SubscriptionInfo FROM OPENROWSET(''SQLOLEDB'',''SERVER=(LOCAL);TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES'' ,''SET FMTONLY OFF EXEC distribution.dbo.sp_replmonitorhelpsubscription @publisher=' + @publisher + ',@publication_type=' + CONVERT(CHAR(1),@pubtype) + ''')' --select @cmd EXEC sp_executesql @cmd ALTER TABLE ##SubscriptionInfo ADD PendingCmdCount INT NULL, EstimatedProcessTime INT NULL
To check the status of the distribution jobs
DECLARE cur_sub CURSOR READ_ONLY FOR SELECT @publisher, s.publisher_db, s.publication, s.subscriber, s.subscriber_db, s.subtype, s.distribution_agentname FROM ##SubscriptionInfo s OPEN cur_sub FETCH NEXT FROM cur_sub INTO @publisher, @publisher_db, @publication, @subscriber, @subscriber_db, @subtype, @JobName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @cmd = 'SELECT @cmdcount=pendingcmdcount, @processtime=estimatedprocesstime FROM OPENROWSET(''SQLOLEDB'',''SERVER=(LOCAL);TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES'' ,''SET FMTONLY OFF EXEC distribution.dbo.sp_replmonitorsubscriptionpendingcmds @publisher=' + @publisher + ',@publisher_db=' + @publisher_db + ',@publication=' + @publication + ',@subscriber=' + @subscriber + ',@subscriber_db=' + @subscriber_db + ',@subscription_type=' + CONVERT(CHAR(1),@subtype) + ';' + ''')' SET @ParmDefinition = N'@cmdcount INT OUTPUT, @processtime INT OUTPUT' --select @cmd EXEC sp_executesql @cmd,@ParmDefinition,@cmdcount OUTPUT, @processtime OUTPUT UPDATE ##SubscriptionInfo SET PendingCmdCount = @cmdcount , EstimatedProcessTime = @processtime WHERE subscriber_db = @subscriber_db INSERT INTO DBA.dbo.Replication_Que_History VALUES(@subscriber_db, @cmdcount, @processtime, GETDATE()) -- find out if the distribution job with the high number of outstanding commands running or not -- if it is running then sometimes stopping and starting the agent fixes the issue IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM tempdb.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME LIKE '##JobInfo%') DROP TABLE ##JobInfo SET @cmd = 'SELECT * INTO ##JobInfo FROM OPENROWSET(''SQLOLEDB'',''SERVER=(LOCAL);TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES'' ,''SET FMTONLY OFF EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_help_job @job_name=''''' + @JobName + ''''',@job_aspect=''''JOB'''''')' EXEC sp_executesql @cmd IF @cmdcount > @maxCommands OR (@processtime > @threshold AND @cmdcount > 0) BEGIN IF (SELECT current_execution_status FROM ##JobInfo) = 1 -- This means job is currently executing so stop/start it BEGIN EXEC distribution.dbo.sp_MSstopdistribution_agent @publisher = @publisher , @publisher_db = @publisher_db , @publication = @publication , @subscriber = @subscriber , @subscriber_db = @subscriber_db WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05' ---- 5 Second Delay SET @mail = 'Y' END END --SELECT name, current_execution_status FROM ##JobInfo IF (SELECT current_execution_status FROM ##JobInfo) <> 1 -- if the job is not running start it BEGIN EXEC distribution.dbo.sp_MSstartdistribution_agent @publisher = @publisher , @publisher_db = @publisher_db , @publication = @publication , @subscriber = @subscriber , @subscriber_db = @subscriber_db SET @mail = 'Y' -- Send email if job has stopped and needed to be restarted END DROP TABLE ##JobInfo FETCH NEXT FROM cur_sub INTO @publisher, @publisher_db, @publication, @subscriber, @subscriber_db, @subtype, @JobName END CLOSE cur_sub DEALLOCATE cur_sub
Run the Microsoft-supplied procedure
--system stored procedure to run in distribution database execute sp_replmonitorsubscriptionpendingcmds --replication publisher server @publisher ='PubServer', --replication publisher database @publisher_db = 'ProdDBPub', --replication publication name @publication ='ProdDBSub', --replication subscriber server @subscriber ='SubServer', --replication subscriber database @subscriber_db ='ProdDBSub1', --choose type of subscription you have @subscription_type ='1' --0 for push and 1 for pull GO
The code below requires the Ad Hoc Distributed Queries server configuration option be enabled. Here I create the email to be sent assuming the previous Script 3 found an issue sp_replmonitorsubscriptionpendingcmds
IF @mail = 'Y'
DECLARE @msg VARCHAR(MAX) = 'Replication on ' + @@SERVERNAME
+ ' may be experiencing some problems. Attempts to restart the distribution agent have been made. '
+ 'If this is not the first message like this that you have received within the last hour, please investigate.'
SET @xml1 = CAST(( SELECT subscriber AS 'td','',subscriber_db AS 'td','',
latency AS 'td','', PendingCmdCount AS 'td','', EstimatedProcessTime AS 'td'
FROM ##SubscriptionInfo s
SET @tab1 ='<html><body><H4>Subscription Information </H4>
<table border = 1> <tr>
<th> Subscriber </th> <th> Subscriber Database </th> <th> Latency(seconds)</th>
<th> Undistributed Commands </th> <th> Estimated Catch Up Time</th></tr>'
-- this command gives us the last 10 measurements of latency for each subscriber
SET @xml2 = CAST(( SELECT s.Subscriber_db AS 'td','', s.Records_In_Que AS 'td','', s.CatchUpTime AS 'td','', CONVERT(CHAR(22),LogDate, 100) AS 'td'
, Records_In_Que
, CatchUpTime
, Logdate
FROM DBA.dbo.Replication_Que_History
) s
WHERE RowNumber <= 8
SET @tab2 ='<br><br><H4>Historical Latency Information </H4>
<table border = 1>
<th>Subscriber</th> <th>Undistributed Commands</th> <th> Catch Up Time </th> <th> Date\Time </th></tr>'
SET @body = @msg + @tab1 + @xml1 + '</table>'
+ @tab2 + @xml2 + '</body></html>'
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@body = @body,
@body_format ='HTML',
@recipients = @to,
@subject = 'Possible Replication Problem' ;
DROP TABLE #PublisherInfo
DROP TABLE ##PublicationInfo
DROP TABLE ##SubscriptionInfo
Last process is to periodically delete rows from the replication status table so the data does not get stale
DECLARE @delDate datetime = getdate()-10
DELETE FROM DBA.dbo.Replication_Que_History
WHERE LogDate < @deldate
Pls also consider I also noted that There is an issue with sp_replmonitorsubscriptionpendingcmds if you are still with SQL Server 2005 and 2008 Microsoft Connect
If any of the above answer are unclear you can follow the source I have provided
You can get information you need by querying the dbo.MSReplication_monitordata table from a distribution database with this script, for all publications:
USE distribution
SELECT status AS ReplicationAgentsStatus
FROM dbo.MSReplication_monitordata
WHERE publication = 'ALL'
For particular publication, modify 'ALL' in WHERE statement
Also, you can use this powershell script to filter the status column from system stored procedure sp_replmonitorhelppublication:
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "USE distribution
EXEC sp_replmonitorhelppublication" -ServerInstance "TIKVICKI" | Out-File d:\temp1.txt
Get-Content d:\temp1.txt | where { $_.Contains("status : ") } |
out-file d:\temp2.txt
(Get-Content d:\temp2.txt).replace('status ', 'Replication agents
status') |
Set-Content d:\Replication_Agents_Status_$(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss).txt
Remove-Item d:\temp1.txt -Force
Remove-Item d:\temp2.txt -Force
I found this scripts in this article, which also describes how to do this through UI with either third party tool or SSMS.