Repository and query objects pattern. How to implement complex queries

There are quite a few implementations of repository patterns and unit of work flying around on the internet. Some of them are quite simple where developer basically implements his own for each table himself manually, some are generic but not advanced, and some are really cool, generic and still offer you the ability to do a decent where, projection and the like.

An example of an in my opinion good implementation can be found here :

It is targetting MVC, which is shown by the interface. I am focussing on WPF applications so I needed to tune it a bit. But the ideas of this unit of work implementation are pretty good.

There is down side to this implementation. Because it is relying on some advanced LINQ and EF functionality one could argue that your underlying access layer is infecting the repository layer and the layers using the repositories.

The point being that when for instance you want to move away from EF, chances are that you would have to change the interface of your repositories.

To show the power of this library some code snippets to prove this :

_fotoRepository = unitOfWork.RepositoryAsync<Foto>();
var fotos = await _fotoRepository
            .Query(r => r.BestelBonId == bestelBonId || werkstukids.Contains(r.WerkstukMetBewerkingenId.Value))

or using projection:

IRepository<Relatie> relatieRepository = unitOfWork.RepositoryAsync<Relatie>();
        var relatiesOverviewsEnumerable = relatieRepository
            .OrderBy(q => q.OrderBy(d => d.RelatieId))
            .Select(b => new RelatieOverview
                RelatieId = b.RelatieId,
                Naam = b.Naam,
                BTW = b.BTW,
                HoofdAdres = b.Adressen.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AdresTypeId == HoofdadresType)
        _relatieOverviews = new ObservableCollection<RelatieOverview>(relatiesOverviewsEnumerable);

The Repository pattern works well for standard CRUD applications. Where you need to implement the classic set of create, read, update and delete operations against a single table in a database. In that case you create a repository for each table and allow the read operation to have extra values so that filtering can be applied.

At the next level up you have the Unit of Work pattern. These are used to span multiple repositories and perform business operations. So for example, you would read values from multiple repositories, perform calculations and then write back changes to multiple repositories. All of that would occur inside a transaction so that you always have a consistent state in the database.

The problem is when you have complex queries that span multiple tables. In that case you would place the query into the repository that is the first table in the query from clause. Then you would need to provide parameters to that repository method so it can be parameterised as needed.