Representing Fibonacci numbers using a list comprehension in Haskell
The problem
fibonacci = [a + b | a <- 1:fibonacci, b <- 0:1:fibonacci]
you are generating every possible combinations of the two lists. For example with:
x = [a + b | a <- [1, 2], b <- [3, 4]]
the result will be:
[1 + 3, 1 + 4, 2 + 3, 2 + 4]
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With zipWith
The closest you can get is with zipWith
fibonacci :: [Int]
fibonacci = zipWith (+) (1:fibonacci) (0:1:fibonacci)
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List comprehensions model
- Non-determinism
- Cartesian products
- Nested
which are all equivalent. So your Fibonacci sequence is wrong because it's computing way too many elements. In pseudocode it's a bit like
fibonacci =
for i in 1:fibonacci:
for j in 0:1:fibonacci:
i + j
What you really want is to zip the lists together, to perform computations in the order of the length of fibonacci instead of its square. To do that we can use zipWith
and, with a little algebra, get the standard "tricky fibo"
fibonacci = zipWith (+) (1:fibonacci) (0:1:fibonacci)
fibonacci = zipWith (+) (0:1:fibonacci) (1:fibonacci) -- (+) is commutative
fibonacci = zipWith (+) (0:1:fibonacci) (tail (0:1:fibonacci)) -- def of tail
Then we just define
fibonacci' = 0:1:fibonacci
fibonacci' = 0:1:zipWith (+) (0:1:fibonacci) (tail (0:1:fibonacci))
fibonacci' = 0:1:zipWith (+) fibonacci' (tail fibonacci')
which is the standard with
fibonacci = drop 2 fibonacci'
You can also use the ParallelListComprehension
extension which lets you do zipping in list comprehensions with a slightly different syntax
{-# ParallelListComp #-}
fibonacci = [a + b | a <- 1:fibonacci | b <- 0:1:fibonacci]
> take 10 fibonacci
List comprehensions don't work like that. You've written a nested traversal, whereas what you are trying to do is a zip
To see the difference, consider:
Prelude> let fibs = [ a + b | (a,b) <- zip (1 : fibs) (0 : 1 : fibs) ]
Prelude> take 10 fibs
Which works as you'd expect.
There is a syntactic extension to Haskell that allows for parallel comprehensions, so the syntax does a zip for you. You can enable it with -XParallelListComp
and then write:
Prelude> let fibs = [ a + b | a <- 1 : fibs | b <- 0 : 1 : fibs ]
Prelude> take 10 fibs