rerun in cucumber code example

Example: rerun in cucumber

Allows us to run FAILED TESTS again. 
Lets say I am running 100 tests. 10 of those tests are failing. 
#1 --> You need to run tests and something MUST FAIL.
The whole logic of having cucumber Rerun plugin 
is to be able to run FAILED TESTS.
#2 --> You need to run FailedTestRunner after something has failed.
*If your rerun.txt is empty, it means you dont have any tests failing.
*Make some tests failing by changing some expected/actual data
Which will cause your tests to fail, therefore cucumber rerun plugin 
will save the failed tests in to the rerun.txt file.
*Next time when we want to run ONLY failing tests, 
we use "FailedTestRunner" class.
*This class does not have regular feature file path in the features.
*we pass the path of the rerun.txt file that is generated by cucumber.


Misc Example