Reset mock verification in Moq?

I don't think you can reset a mock like this. Instead, if you know that Fizz should be called once when transitioning to state 1, you can do your verifies like this:

foo.Verify(x => x.Fizz(), Times.Once());  // or however many times you expect it to be called

foo.Verify(x => x.Fizz(), Times.Once());

Having said that, I would still create two separate tests for this. As two tests, it's easier to see whether the transition into state 1 is failing, or the transition into state 2 is failing. Additionally, when tested together like this, if your transition into state 1 fails, the test method exits and your transition into state 2 doesn't get tested.


As an example of this, I tested the following code with xUnit:

public void Test()
    var foo = new Mock<IFoo>(MockBehavior.Loose);

    foo.Verify(x => x.Fizz(), Times.Once(), "Failed After State 1");

    // stuff here
    foo.Verify(x => x.Fizz(), Times.Once(), "Failed after State 2"); 

This test fails with the message, "Failed after State 2". This simulates what would happen if your method that pushes foo into State 2 calls Fizz. If it does, the second Verify will fail.

Looking at your code again, since you are calling one method to verify it does/does not call another method on the mock, I think you need to set CallBase to true so that the base DoStuffToPushIntoState2 is called rather than the mock's override.

This is now supported in Moq

Use .Invocations.Clear() on the latest version of the library:

var foo = new Mock<foo>();

Old answer

I think long after this post was created they added the functionality that the OP had asked for, there is a Moq extension method called Moq.MockExtensions.ResetCalls().

With this method you can do exactly what you wished as shown below:

public void Justification()
    var foo = new Mock<IFoo>(MockBehavior.Loose);
    foo.Setup(x => x.Fizz());

    var objectUnderTest = new ObjectUnderTest(foo.Object);

    objectUnderTest.DoStuffToPushIntoState1(); // this is various lines of code and setup

    foo.Verify(x => x.Fizz());

    foo.ResetCalls(); // *** Reset the verification here with this glorious method ***

    objectUnderTest.DoStuffToPushIntoState2(); // more lines of code

    foo.Verify(x => x.Fizz(), Times.Never());