Reshape from wide to long in big query (standard SQL)

You need UNION which is denoted using commas in bigquery

SELECT date, country, Metric, Value
  SELECT date, country, 'A' as Metric,  A as Value FROM your_table
), (
  SELECT date, country, 'B' as Metric,  B as Value FROM your_table
), (
  SELECT date, country, 'C' as Metric,  C as Value FROM your_table
) , (
  SELECT date, country, 'D' as Metric,  D as Value FROM your_table

Below is for BigQuery Standard SQL and does not require repeating selects depends on number of columns. It will pick as many as you have and transform them into metrics and values

SELECT DATE, country,
  metric, SAFE_CAST(value AS FLOAT64) value
  SELECT DATE, country, 
    REGEXP_REPLACE(SPLIT(pair, ':')[OFFSET(0)], r'^"|"$', '') metric, 
    REGEXP_REPLACE(SPLIT(pair, ':')[OFFSET(1)], r'^"|"$', '') value 
  FROM `project.dataset.yourtable` t, 
  UNNEST(SPLIT(REGEXP_REPLACE(to_json_string(t), r'{|}', ''))) pair
WHERE NOT LOWER(metric) IN ('date', 'country')

You can test / play with above using dummy data as in your question

WITH `project.dataset.yourtable` AS (
  SELECT '20170928' DATE, 'CH' country, 3000.3 A, 121 B, 13 C, 3200 D UNION ALL
  SELECT '20170929', 'CH', 2800.31, 137, 23, 1614.31
SELECT DATE, country,
  metric, SAFE_CAST(value AS FLOAT64) value
  SELECT DATE, country, 
    REGEXP_REPLACE(SPLIT(pair, ':')[OFFSET(0)], r'^"|"$', '') metric, 
    REGEXP_REPLACE(SPLIT(pair, ':')[OFFSET(1)], r'^"|"$', '') value 
  FROM `project.dataset.yourtable` t, 
  UNNEST(SPLIT(REGEXP_REPLACE(to_json_string(t), r'{|}', ''))) pair
WHERE NOT LOWER(metric) IN ('date', 'country')

result is as expected

DATE        country metric  value    
20170928    CH      A       3000.3   
20170928    CH      B       121.0    
20170928    CH      C       13.0     
20170928    CH      D       3200.0   
20170929    CH      A       2800.31  
20170929    CH      B       137.0    
20170929    CH      C       23.0     
20170929    CH      D       1614.31