resharper 'updating source files' does not stop (in Visual Studio 2015)

I ended up re-installing Resharper which did the trick.

Resharper -> Options -> Intelisense -> General Switch from ReSharper to Visual Studio

I've found that, if you're working with WPF (and hence have many XAML files), you get huge performance benefits by excluding XAML files from Resharper code inspection.

In VS, go to menu: Resharper -> Options -> Code Inspection -> Settings.

Look at "Elements to skip' (you can only modify this with a project/solution loaded). On the right, add a file mask "*.xaml", and Save.

I just had this happen in VS2017 and this worked:

  1. ReSharper -> Options -> General -> Clear Cache
  2. Tools -> Options -> ReSharper [Ultimate] -> Suspend
  3. Tools -> Options -> ReSharper [Ultimate] -> Resume