resize image on save

I use this code to handle uploaded images, resize them on memory(whithout saving them permanently on disk), and then saving the thumb on a Django ImageField. Hope can help.

    def handle_uploaded_image(i):
        import StringIO
        from PIL import Image, ImageOps
        import os
        from django.core.files import File
        # read image from InMemoryUploadedFile
        image_str = “”
        for c in i.chunks():
            image_str += c

        # create PIL Image instance
        imagefile  = StringIO.StringIO(image_str)
        image =

        # if not RGB, convert
        if image.mode not in (“L”, “RGB”):
            image = image.convert(“RGB”)

        #define file output dimensions (ex 60x60)
        x = 130
        y = 130

        #get orginal image ratio
        img_ratio = float(image.size[0]) / image.size[1]

        # resize but constrain proportions?
        if x==0.0:
            x = y * img_ratio
        elif y==0.0:
            y = x / img_ratio

        # output file ratio
        resize_ratio = float(x) / y
        x = int(x); y = int(y)

        # get output with and height to do the first crop
        if(img_ratio > resize_ratio):
            output_width = x * image.size[1] / y
            output_height = image.size[1]
            originX = image.size[0] / 2 - output_width / 2
            originY = 0
            output_width = image.size[0]
            output_height = y * image.size[0] / x
            originX = 0
            originY = image.size[1] / 2 - output_height / 2

        cropBox = (originX, originY, originX + output_width, originY + output_height)
        image = image.crop(cropBox)

        # resize (doing a thumb)
        image.thumbnail([x, y], Image.ANTIALIAS)

        # re-initialize imageFile and set a hash (unique filename)
        imagefile = StringIO.StringIO()
        filename = hashlib.md5(imagefile.getvalue()).hexdigest()+’.jpg’

        #save to disk
        imagefile = open(os.path.join(‘/tmp’,filename), ‘w’),’JPEG’, quality=90)
        imagefile = open(os.path.join(‘/tmp’,filename), ‘r’)
        content = File(imagefile)

        return (filename, content)

    form = YourModelForm(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=profile)
        if form.is_valid():
            ob =
                t = handle_uploaded_image(request.FILES[‘icon’])
            except KeyError:

You should use a method to handle the uploaded file, as demonstrated in the Django documentation.

In this method, you could concatenate the chunks in a variable (rather than writing them to disk directly), create a PIL Image from that variable, resize the image and save it to disk.

In PIL, you should look at Image.fromstring and Image.resize.

I highly recommend the sorl-thumbnail app for handling image resizing easily and transparently. It goes in every single Django project I start.

I recommend using StdImageField from django-stdimage, it should handle all the dirty work for you. It's easy to use, you just specify the dimensions of the resized image in the field definition:

class MyModel(models.Model):
    image = StdImageField(upload_to='path/to/img',  size=(640, 480))

Check out the docs — it can do thumbnails also.