response body request methods code example

Example 1: request response

REQUEST :(request url,http methods,header,query param, param,body,cookie)

1-)Request Url where we have Endpoint (domain:Port/Endpoints)

2-)HTTP METHODS(Get, Post, Put, Patch, Delete, Header)

Get: For to retrieve resources from the server
Post: to send or add resource to the server
Put: For update the resources in the server
Patch: For partial update the resource
Delete: For deleting the resource in the server
Head: To get header from the response not the body

3-)HEADER is metadata is about the request,
basically providing more information along
with the request.

-Content Type header : to specify what kind of
 data we are sending to the server
-Accept Header : to specify what kind of data 
 format you want to get in the response like (json or xml)
-Authorization header : used to provide the
 Bearer token in many api's.

4-)Query Parameter: A key value pair usually
 for filtering result

5-)Parameter: for identifying single resource
 among the list of resources.
6-)Payload(BODY): for POST,PUT,PATCH request
(json,xml,plainText,URL encoded for data)

           TIME(spent to get response))

1-Status Code:
   2xx - Success
   4xx - Client Error
   5xx - Server Error

2-Payload(Body) : 
The actual resource we got from the server.
Content type can be : plain text, json, xml, html, json etc.

3- Metadata about response to provide more information

4- Cookie

5- Time for getting spended time for the response

Example 2: request body

Request Payload has
ENDPOINT (Specific URL where we send our requests to a certain web service. )
METHOD (Get•Post•Put•Patch•Delete)
HEADERS(Represents the metadata of
request or response. Like basically
we can verify the object type we are sending etc  )
PARAMETERS(Parameters are to specifiying 
even more about the request we are
sending like what specific resources 
needs to be returned etc.)
BODY(Body is where we sent or received the request we made)
For the repsonse 
Basically we are checking response body
to verify if request matches with response.
In the response we are verifying
(body, status code, header, response time,
 test structure of json against the given jsonSchema)


Html Example