Responsive image align center bootstrap 3

There is .center-block class in Twitter Bootstrap 3 (Since v3.0.1), so use:

<img src="..." alt="..." class="img-responsive center-block" />

Just use .text-center class if you're using Bootstrap 3.

<div class="text-center">
    <img src="..." alt="..."/>

Note: This doesn't work with img-responsive

Add only the class center-block to an image, this works with Bootstrap 4 as well:

<img src="..." alt="..." class="center-block" />

Note: center-block works even when img-responsive is used

If you're using Bootstrap v3.0.1 or greater, you should use this solution instead. It doesn't override Bootstrap's styles with custom CSS, but instead uses a Bootstrap feature.

My original answer is shown below for posterity

This is a pleasantly easy fix. Because .img-responsive from Bootstrap already sets display: block, you can use margin: 0 auto to center the image:

.product .img-responsive {
    margin: 0 auto;