Retrieving XML from database with Dapper
Perhaps creating a custom type handler can help? Something like:
public class XDocumentTypeHandler : SqlMapper.TypeHandler<XDocument>
public override void SetValue(IDbDataParameter parameter, XDocument value)
// set value in db parameter.
public XDocument Parse(object value)
// parse value from db to an XDocument.
You have to add the type handler with SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler()
See a sample implementation.
In the end, I just brute-forced it:
public class Workflow
public Guid InstanceId { get;set; }
public XDocument StateIn { set { State = value.ToString(); } }
public string State { get;set; }
public XDocument StateOut { get { return XDocument.Parse(State); } }
Dapper plays with the State value, and I just set the value on StateIn and read it off StateOut. I feel a little bit dirty coming up with a solution like this, but hey, it works.