Retrive selected value of ng-select - Angular8

First in .ts file i created object:

cities4 = [];

selectedCityIds: string[];

Second, install npm i @ng-select/ng-select :

Next add:

<ng-select [items]="cities4"
           placeholder="Select city"

You can use the change event to capture the selected value.

<!-- Template -->
<ng-select (change)="changeFn" class="w-25 p-3" placeholder="{{'author' | translate}}" [clearable]="false" [searchable]="false">
        <ng-option>{{'author' | translate}}</ng-option>
        <ng-option>{{'title' | translate}}</ng-option>
        <ng-option>{{'date' | translate}}</ng-option>

<!-- Component ts file -->

changeFn(val) {

Add the [(ngModel)] attribute to the attributes of the ng-select, and pass its value to the triggering.

<ng-select (change)="changeFn(selection)" [(ngModel)]="selection" class="w-25 p-3" placeholder="{{'author' | translate}}" [clearable]="false" [searchable]="false">
        <ng-option>{{'author' | translate}}</ng-option>
        <ng-option>{{'title' | translate}}</ng-option>
        <ng-option>{{'date' | translate}}</ng-option>

Then in the ts file:

export class myComponent {

    public val: string;

    changeFn(val) {
        console.log("Dropdown selection:", val);