Retrofit 2.0 + GSON Unable to invoke no-args constructor for interface

You have the same name for interface (interface GetPhones) and model class (class GetPhones).

I think you are using interface in this line:

Call<ArrayList<GetPhones>> getPhones();

But it should be your model class. Check import section for it or rename model class to be sure that you are not mixing it.

If anyone in 2019 comes across this and is using Kotlin, coroutines and at least Retrofit 2.6.0, returning a Call<MyObject> instance while the api method is suspended, produces the same error message, which is a little confusing.

The solution is to replace Call<MyObject> with MyObject in the interface definition, and remove ?.execute()?.body() (or equivalent) at the call site.


The reason I think most people will stumble across this is that they want to wrap their suspended Retrofit responses in something to handle errors in a seamless way.

There is an issue on this located here, perhaps Retrofit will deal with this in the future. I ended up using the kind solution provided here.

This was really helpful. I had the same issue and it worked by replacing Call<MyObject> with MyObject in the interface where we write the function for the API call request followed by removing .enque at the call site.