Retrofit error URL query string must not have replace block

From the JavaDoc:

Example 1:

 Call<ResponseBody> friends(@Query("page") int page);

Calling with foo.friends(1) yields /friends?page=1. Example with null:

Example 2:

 Call<ResponseBody> friends(@Query("group") String group);

Calling with foo.friends(null) yields /friends. Array/Varargs Example:

Example 3:

 Call<ResponseBody> friends(@Query("group") String... groups);

Calling with foo.friends("coworker", "bowling") yields /friends?group=coworker&group=bowling. Parameter names and values are URL encoded by default. Specify encoded=true to change this behavior.

Example 4:

 Call<ResponseBody> friends(@Query(value="group", encoded=true) String group);

Calling with foo.friends("foo+bar")) yields /friends?group=foo+bar.


    Call<Product> responseproduct(@Query("pid") String pid);

dont put the pid in the @GET,, Retrofit automatically fix the url, using @Query

Query params have their own annotation which automatically appends to the URL.

UserDto retrieveUsersByFilters(
    @Query("filters[0][field]") String nameFilter,
    @Query("filters[0][value]") String value);

You can read more about @Query on its Javadoc