Returning a const reference to an object instead of a copy

Actually, another issue specifically with returning a string not by reference, is the fact that std::string provides access via pointer to an internal const char* via the c_str() method. This has caused me many hours of debugging headache. For instance, let's say I want to get the name from foo, and pass it to JNI to be used to construct a jstring to pass into Java later on, and that name() is returning a copy and not a reference. I might write something like this:

foo myFoo = getFoo(); // Get the foo from somewhere.
const char* fooCName =; // Woops! creates a temporary that's destructed as soon as this line executes!
jniEnv->NewStringUTF(fooCName);  // No good, fooCName was released when the temporary was deleted.

If your caller is going to be doing this kind of thing, it might be better to use some type of smart pointer, or a const reference, or at the very least have a nasty warning comment header over your method. I mention JNI because former Java coders might be particularly vulnerable to this type of method chaining that may seem otherwise harmless.

One problem for the const reference return would be if the user coded something like:

const std::string & str = myObject.getSomeString() ;

With a std::string return, the temporary object would remain alive and attached to str until str goes out of scope.

But what happens with a const std::string &? My guess is that we would have a const reference to an object that could die when its parent object deallocates it:

MyObject * myObject = new MyObject("My String") ;
const std::string & str = myObject->getSomeString() ;
delete myObject ;
// Use str... which references a destroyed object.

So my preference goes to the const reference return (because, anyway, I'm just more confortable with sending a reference than hoping the compiler will optimize the extra temporary), as long as the following contract is respected: "if you want it beyond my object's existence, they copy it before my object's destruction"

The only way this can cause a problem is if the caller stores the reference, rather than copy the string, and tries to use it after the object is destroyed. Like this:

foo *pFoo = new foo;
const std::string &myName = pFoo->getName();
delete pFoo;
cout << myName;  // error! dangling reference

However, since your existing function returns a copy, then you would not break any of the existing code.

Edit: Modern C++ (i. e. C++11 and up) supports Return Value Optimization, so returning things by value is no longer frowned upon. One should still be mindful of returning extremely large objects by value, but in most cases it should be ok.


