revert 'php artisan serve' command in laravel
I used Ctrl + C in my mac for stop the command php artisan laravel serve
For windows user, type this command for showing the list of current running php artisan process:
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq php.exe"
Will show:
Image Name ---- PID ---- Session Name ---- Session ---- Mem Usage
php.exe --------- XXXX ---- Console ---------- 4 ------- 19.852 K
Look up PID number (XXXX), and type this to kill the process:
taskkill /F /PID XXXX
Press Ctrl
+ Shift
. Locate the php process running artisan and kill it with right click -> kill process
Reopen the command-line and start back the server.
Note that you should be able to kill the process just by sending it a kill signal with Ctrl
+ C
here is what i do
press ctrl
+ c
> lsof -i :8000
to check if the port is busy or not if any process is listening to the port 8000 it will be displayed with port id
> sudo kill -9 [PID]
kill the process that listen to that port id
run lsof agin
> sudo lsof -i 8000