Riemann sum in sage code example
Example: riemann sum sagemath
sage -t -force_lib devel/sage/doc/en/constructions/calculus.rst
File "/mnt/usb1/scratch/jdemeyer/merger/sage-4.6.2.alpha2/devel/sage-main/doc/en/constructions/calculus.rst", line 204:
sage: f.trapezoid(4)
Piecewise defined function with 4 parts, [[(0, 1/2), 1/2*x],
[(1/2, 1), 9/2*x - 2], [(1, 3/2), 1/2*x + 2],
[(3/2, 2), -7/2*x + 8]]
doctest:1: DeprecationWarning: _word_content is deprecated, use riemann_sum instead
Piecewise defined function with 4 parts, [[(0, 1/2), 1/2*x], [(1/2, 1), 9/2*x - 2], [(1, 3/2), 1/2*x + 2], [(3/2, 2), -7/2*x + 8]]