roblox dictionary code example
Example 1: create a dictionary in roblox
-- Add a Module Script into the ServerScriptStorage
local speechMod = {}
speechMod.speech = {
["quest1"] = {
["line1"] = "Hi this is quest 1",
["line2"] = "I have a Quest for you",
["line3"] = "Come back when your done"
}, -- end quest1
["quest2"] = {
["line1"] = "Hi this is quest 2",
["line2"] = "You have completed quest 1, great",
["line3"] = "Get me some Food bro"
} -- end quest2
} -- end speechMod.speech
return speechMod
-- LUA Scripting Language (For Making Games in Roblox)
Example 2: roblox studio dictionary
local inventory = { ["Gold Bars"] = 4, ["Healing Potions"] = 1, ["Cups of Coffee"] = 3000}