Router link not working for a component inside a shared module

I had the same issue and besides the RouterModule import, I had to change from routerLink="path" to [routerLink]="'path'" to make it work.

If i understand you correctly, then your mistake is, that you don't import the RouterModule in your SharedModule. So just import the the RouterModule to get the directive "routerLink", then it should work:

  imports: [RouterModule ],
  declarations: [ HeaderComponent, FooterComponent ],
  exports: [ HeaderComponent, FooterComponent ]

Another advice: I think you didn't understand the pattern with SharedModule / CoreModule. Your header and footer components are core components of your application and you will use them only once in your application (i belive).. So they belong into the CoreModule. The SharedModule is for components, which is used in multiple components, for example a social-media Link. You might use it in different components.

But Please read the Angular Style Guide for further informations:!#04-10