RQ - Empty & Delete Queues

- 2016 -

You can now use rq's empty option form command line:

/path/to/rq empty queue_name

So you can use it to empty any queue not just the failed one

Cleanup using rq

RQ offers methods to make any queue empty:

>>> from redis import Redis
>>> from rq import Queue
>>> qfail = Queue("failed", connection=Redis())
>>> qfail.count
>>> qfail.empty()
>>> qfail.count

You can do the same for test queue, if you have it still present.

Cleanup using rq-dashboard

Install rq-dashboard:

$ pip install rq-dashboard

Start it:

$ rq-dashboard
RQ Dashboard, version 0.3.4
 * Running on

Open in browser.

Select the queue

Click the red button "Empty"

And you are done.

Python function Purge jobs

If you run too old Redis, which fails on command used by RQ, you still might sucess with deleting jobs by python code:

The code takes a name of a queue, where are job ids.

Usilg LPOP we ask for job ids by one.

Adding prefix (by default "rq:job:") to job id we have a key, where is job stored.

Using DEL on each key we purge our database job by job.

>>> import redis
>>> r = redis.StrictRedis()
>>> qname = "rq:queue:failed"
>>> def purgeq(r, qname):
... while True:
...     jid = r.lpop(qname)
...     if jid is None:
...         break
...     r.delete("rq:job:" + jid)
...     print jid
>>> purge(r, qname)

none of the above solutions worked failed Queue is not registered under queues

so I move all of the failed jobs to default Queue and use

rq empty queue_name --url [redis-url]

Monitoring tool rqinfo can empty failed queue.
Just make sure you have an active virtualenv with rq installed, and run

$ rqinfo --empty-failed-queue

See rqinfo --help for more details.