rsub with sublime and ssh connection refusual

For anyone getting this same error using PuTTy on Windows, this commenter gives great instructions:

  1. In PuTTy's config window, nagivate to the Connection > SSH > Tunnels pane
  2. In the "Source Port" field, type 52698
  3. In the "Destination" field, type
  4. Select the "Remote" and "Auto" radio buttons
  5. Click the "Add" button
  6. Go to the Session pane and save if you want to preserve these settings.

Here's an image which does the explaining visually:

rsub configuration windows putty sublime text ssh

I was having the same problem.

Let remoteHost = the IP or hostname of the machine you're attempting to ssh to.

I ran ssh -R 52698:localhost:52698 remoteHost from my local machine, after whice rmate .profile on remoteHost worked.

That led me to determine that ~/.ssh/config on my local machine was incorrect.

I set ~/.ssh/config to look like this:

Host remoteHost
  RemoteForward 52698 localhost:52698

It's been working solidly since I made that change.

I had the same issue and here is what works for me. If you have multiple servers you want this to work for, do the following as exactly shown here:

Host *
  RemoteForward 52698 localhost:52698

I consulted this link: configure SSH config file and realized you can use * in config file.

Wildcards are also available to allow for options that should have a broader scope.