Ruby auto deleting temp file?

I've seen Tempfile being garbage collected in the same process when I created many temp files to be zipped. In the code below, if I didn't store the Tempfile handles in the handles array I would get runtime error (Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen) when the block closes:

handles = [], Zip::File::CREATE) do |zip|
  # there are hundreds of @foos to iterate over
  @foos.each do |foo|
    cit_filename = generate_some_unique_filename
    cit_file =
    handles << cit_file
    cit_file.puts('some text')
    zip.add(cit_filename, cit_file.path)
end # <- runtime error would have thrown at this point
handles = nil

From docs:

When a Tempfile object is garbage collected, or when the Ruby interpreter exits, its associated temporary file is automatically deleted.

So, as long as you have your f in scope, it will not be deleted. If you exit Ruby, it will be deleted. If you are still in Ruby but f has fallen out of scope, it is indeterminate (probably not deleted, but not guaranteed to exist, and should not be used.)