Ruby on Rails "invalid byte sequence in UTF-8" due to bot
Add this line to your Gemfile
, then run bundle
in your terminal:
gem "handle_invalid_percent_encoding_requests"
This solution is based on Henrik's answer, turned into a Rails Engine gem.
So you don't have to piece together the comments in my other reply, this is what I'm doing now – I've seen no errors for 24 hours, so it looks very promising:
Add rack-utf8_sanitizer to your Gemfile:
gem 'rack-utf8_sanitizer'
and run
Put this middleware in app/middleware/handle_invalid_percent_encoding.rb
and rename the class HandleInvalidPercentEncoding
(because ExceptionApp
is a bit too general).
In the config
block of config/application.rb
require "#{Rails.root}/app/middleware/handle_invalid_percent_encoding.rb"
# NOTE: These must be in this order relative to each other.
# HandleInvalidPercentEncoding just raises for encoding errors it doesn't cover,
# so it must run after (= be inserted before) Rack::UTF8Sanitizer.
config.middleware.insert 0, HandleInvalidPercentEncoding
config.middleware.insert 0, Rack::UTF8Sanitizer # from a gem
Deploy. Done.
happens to be the location for middleware in the project I'm working on, but I'd probably prefer lib
. Whatever. Either should work.)