Ruby - print the variable name and then its value

Sure it is possible!

My solution tests the var by Object#object_id identity:
It's crippled in the binding passing style ...
Although it works just for local vars yet, it can be easily be made "universal" adding use of the other scope-variable-listing methods like instance_variables etc.

# the function must be defined in such a place 
# ... so as to "catch" the binding of the vars ... cheesy
# otherwise we're kinda stuck with the extra param on the caller
@_binding = binding
def write_pair(p, b = @_binding)
    local_variables.each do |v| 
      if eval(v.to_s + \".object_id\") == " + p.object_id.to_s + "
        puts v.to_s + ': ' + \"" + p.to_s + "\"
  " , b)

# if the binding is an issue just do here:
# write_pair = lambda { |p| write_pair(p, binding) }

# just some test vars to make sure it works
username1 = "tyndall"
username  = "tyndall"
username3 = "tyndall"

# the result:
# username: tyndall

If it's possible for you to use a symbol instead of the variable name, you could do something like this:

def wp (s, &b)
  puts "#{s} = #{eval(s.to_s, b.binding)}"

In use:

irb(main):001:0> def wp (s, &b)
irb(main):002:1>   puts "#{s} = #{eval(s.to_s, b.binding)}"
irb(main):003:1> end
=> nil
irb(main):004:0> var = 3
=> 3
irb(main):005:0> wp(:var) {}
var = 3

Note that you must pass the empty block {} to the method or it cannot get the binding to evaluate the symbol.