Run and wait for asynchronous function from a synchronous one using Python asyncio

Asyncio is really insistent on not allowing nested loops, by design. However, you can always run another event loop in a different thread. Here is a variant that uses a thread pool to avoid having to create a new thread each time around:

import asyncio, concurrent.futures

async def main():
    print('entering main')
    print('exiting main')

pool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor()

def synchronous_property():
    print('entering synchronous_property')
    result = pool.submit(, asynchronous()).result()
    print('exiting synchronous_property', result)

async def asynchronous():
    print('entering asynchronous')
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    print('exiting asynchronous')
    return 42

This code creates a new event loop on each sync->async boundary, so don't expect high performance if you're doing that a lot. It could be improved by creating only one event loop per thread using asyncio.new_event_loop, and caching it in a thread-local variable.