Run ASP.NET 5 (MVC 6) using .NET Core on IIS

This question is out of date, and Microsoft has since release pretty thorough documentation for this scenario. You can find it here:


As @wickdninja stated, the below is outdated. Use his updated solution instead: To get the application to run on IIS:

  1. Create a website under a v4.0 app pool.

  2. Bundle/publish the application using dnu publish. This will create a self contained package that has the application, the runtime and all the dependencies. Change the runtime name to match the runtime of your choice.

      dnu publish --runtime dnx-coreclr-win-x86.1.0.0-beta5-11625

    You can even pass --no-source if you don't want the application to be compiled from sources every time it starts.

  3. Copy the bundle (from bin\output) under the website root.

  4. Run

Things that might go wrong:

  1. The IIS bitness (32/64 bit) must match the bitness of coreclr.
  2. If you don't copy the bundled website under the website root, make sure the account under which IIS runs can actually access the runtime folder.