Run java jar - no main manifest attribute error

A manifest is a file in the path META-INF/MANIFEST.MF within the jar which defines attributes like the classpath and the main class for running the jar file.

The basic structure would be like:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.7.0_06 (Oracle Corporation)

You can define your entry point by adding the property Main-Class: classname.

In order to create your jar file with a given manifest you can:

  1. Use your IDE to add a manifest to the jar it generates.
  2. Use a command like jar cfm MyJar.jar Manifest.txt MyPackage/*.class to manually create a jar with the given manifest and classes.
  3. Manually decompress the jar, add the manifest, and compress it again. Compression tools generally could do this with a drag/drop.

You can find out more about the jar manifest file here.

You need a main class to execute you application. Try the following. It worked for me.

Add the following code snippet to your pom.xml file if you are using maven build tool.







in my case, I was using spring-boot but i did not mentioned my builder in my pom so i fixed it by:


If you're using the Maven assembly plug-in, or your IDE tooling is, you need a mainClass element. This is what I use:
