Run from AWS EB Linux instance

As of February 2022 the solution is as follows:

$ eb ssh
$ sudo su -
$ export $(cat /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/env | xargs)
$ source /var/app/venv/*/bin/activate
$ python3 /var/app/current/ <command name>

$ export $(cat /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/env | xargs) is needed to import your environment variables if you have a database connection (most likely you will)


This answer assumes you have installed EB CLI. Follow these steps:

  1. Connect to your running instance using ssh.
eb ssh <environment-name>
  1. Once you are inside your environment, load the environment variables (this is important for database configuration)
. /opt/python/current/env

If you wish you can see the environment variables using printenv.

  1. Activate your virtual environment
source /opt/python/run/venv/bin/activate
  1. Navigate to your project directory (this will depend on your latest deployment, so use the number of your latest deployment instead of XX)
cd /opt/python/bundle/XX/app/
  1. Run the command you wish:
python <command_name>

Running example

Asumming that your environment name is my-env, your latest deployment number is 13, and you want to run the shell command:

eb ssh my-env # 1
. /opt/python/current/env # 2
source /opt/python/run/venv/bin/activate # 3
cd /opt/python/bundle/13/app/ # 4
python shell # 5

How to run from AWS Elastic Beanstalk AMI.

  • SSH login to Linux (eb ssh)
    • (optional may need to run sudo su - to have proper permissions)
  • source /opt/python/run/venv/bin/activate
  • source /opt/python/current/env
  • cd /opt/python/current/app
  • python <commands>

Or, you can run command as like the below:

  • cd /opt/python/current/app
  • /opt/python/run/venv/bin/python <command>

With the new version of Python paths seem to have changed.

  • The app is in /var/app/current
  • The virtual environment is in /var/app/venv/[KEY]

So the instructions are:

  1. SSH to the machine using eb shh
  2. Check the path of your environment with ls /var/app/venv/. The only folder should be the [KEY] for the next step
  3. Activate the environment with source /var/app/venv/[KEY]/bin/activate
  4. Execute the command python3 /var/app/current/ <command>

Of course Amazon can change it anytime.