Run or send a command to a tmux pane in a running tmux session
Each tmux pane is an interface for a single pty (pseudo tty). Non-split windows have a single pane; split windows have multiple panes.
tmux does not supply a way to add extra processes to a pane once it has been started with its initial command. It is up to that initial command’s process (usually a shell) to supply job control1 for that terminal.
If you want to clobber whatever is currently running in the pane, you can use respawn-pane -k
to kill the existing command and replace it with a new one (e.g., respawn-pane -t sessionname:0.4 -k 'some -new command'
But, if you want to maintain whatever is currently running in the pane, then there may be no better option that simply “typing at it” with send-keys
You might script it like this (attach last, because otherwise the script will just wait for you to detach before continuing):
tmux send-keys -t "$pane" C-z 'some -new command' Enter
tmux select-pane -t "$pane"
tmux select-window -t "$window"
tmux attach-session -t "$session"
Note that, on the send-keys
command, you should actually type the letters
E n t e r,
to tell tmux
to send a newline key to the window.
(Naturally, every command ends with the Enter key.)
1Job control is the arbitration between multiple process groups of a single session that uses the tty as its controlling terminal. I.e., the Ctrl+Z suspend key, and the jobs
, fg
, and bg
shell commands.
You can use C-m
instead of Enter
. It's the same thing. Also, tmux
makes it easy to send to the right / left pane by using -t right
or -t left
. And if you want to address a pane in another window, just prefix it with the window number and period, like -t 0.right
Now you can write a simple Bash function to get the sequence of keys as argument and send it over to the target pane easily.