Run setTimeout only when tab is active

You can do something like:

$([window, document]).blur(function() {
  // Clear timeout here
}).focus(function() {
  // start timeout back up here

Window is for IE, document is for the rest of the browser world.

Great answer by Šime Vidas, it helped me with my own coding. For completeness sake I made an example for if you want to use setTimeout instead of setInterval:

(function() {

    function myFunction() {
        if(window.blurred) {
            setTimeout(myFunction, 100);

        // What you normally want to happen

        setTimeout(myFunction, 10000);
    setTimeout(myFunction, 10000);

    window.onblur = function() {window.blurred = true;};
    window.onfocus = function() {window.blurred = false;};


You'll see that the window blurred check has a shorter time set than normal, so you can set this depending on how soon you require the rest of the function to be run when the window regains focus.

(function() {
  var time = 10000,
      delta = 100,

  tid = setInterval(function() {
    if ( document.hidden ) { return; }    
    time -= delta;
    if ( time <= 0 ) {
      myFunction(); // time passed - do your work
  }, delta);

Live demo:


  • June 9, 2019: I’ve switched to using document.hidden to detect when the page is not visible.

I use almost the same approach as Šime Vidas in my slider but my code is based on document.visibilityState for page visibility checking:

document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => {

  if ( document.visibilityState === "visible" ) {;

  } else {

  • About Page Visibility API: