Run shell script from Java Synchronously

The above code doesn't work if I wanted to move a file from one location to another, so I've fixed it with below code.

class Shell


  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("/home/sam/");
      Process p = pb.start();     // Start the process.
      p.waitFor();                // Wait for the process to finish.
      System.out.println("Script executed successfully");
    } catch (Exception e) {

mv -f /home/sam/Download/cv.pdf /home/sam/Desktop/

You want to wait for the Process to finish, that is waitFor() like this

public void executeScript() {
  try {
    ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(
    Process p = pb.start();     // Start the process.
    p.waitFor();                // Wait for the process to finish.
    System.out.println("Script executed successfully");
  } catch (Exception e) {

Use Process#waitFor() to pause the Java code until the script terminates. As in

    try {
        Process p = new ProcessBuilder("").start();
        int rc = p.waitFor();
        System.out.printf("Script executed with exit code %d\n", rc);