Running bash commands in the background without printing job and process ids

Building off of @shellter's answer, this worked for me:

tyler@Tyler-Linux:~$ { echo "Hello I'm a background task" & disown; } 2>/dev/null; sleep .1;
Hello I'm a background task

I don't know the reasoning behind this, but I remembered from an old post that disown prevents bash from outputting the process ids.

Based on this answer, I came up with the more concise and correct:

silent_background() {
    { 2>&3 "$@"& } 3>&2 2>/dev/null
    disown &>/dev/null  # Prevent whine if job has already completed
silent_background date

Not related to completion, but you could supress that output by putting the call in a subshell:

(echo "Hello I'm a background task" &)

In some newer versions of bash and in ksh93 you can surround it with a sub-shell or process group (i.e. { ... }).

/home/shellter $ { echo "Hello I'm a background task" & } 2>/dev/null
Hello I'm a background task
/home/shellter $