Running cv::warpPerspective on points
You want perspectiveTransform (which works on a vector of Points) rather than warpPerspective. Take the inverse of warpMatrix; you may have to tweak the final column.
vector<Point2f> dstPoints, srcPoints;
A perspective transform relates two points in the following manner:
[x'] [m00 m01 m02] [x]
[y'] = [m10 m11 m12] [y]
[1] [m20 m21 m22] [1]
Where (x,y)
are the original 2D point coordinates, and (x', y')
are the transformed coordinates.
In your case, you know (x', y')
, and want to know (x, y)
. This can be achieved by multiplying the known point by the inverse of the transformation matrix:
cv::Matx33f warp = warpMatrix; // cv::Matx is much more useful for math
cv::Point2f warped_point = dstQuad[3]; // I just use dstQuad as an example
cv::Point3f homogeneous = warp.inv() * warped_point;
cv::Point2f result(homogeneous.x, homogeneous.y); // Drop the z=1 to get out of homogeneous coordinates
// now, result == srcQuad[3], which is what you wanted