Running karma after installation results in 'karma' is not recognized as an internal or external command

The command line interface is in a separate package.

To install this use:

npm install -g karma-cli


It is recommended to install karma with its Command-Line-Interface (karma-cli) which will take care of fetching the appropriate karma. You can also install a different local version specific to each project you're working on and karma-cli will pick the appropriate one.

From the karma installation page:

Typing ./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start sucks so you might find it useful to install karma-cli globally:

npm install -g karma-cli

Now, check that karma was installed by typing:

which karma  //echo something like: /usr/local/bin/karma

and check that karma server is working (ctr+c to quit):

karma start 

You can also check that karma was installed by going to this directory:

cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/karma

Good luck!

On windows when you install a npm (non-globally - so without the -g flag), the executable commands are linked in the node_modules\.bin folder.

For example:

powershell> .\node_modules\.bin\karma start

powershell> .\node_modules\.bin\karma run