Running vi in adb under Windows

You can do it with PuTTYTray. It's an improved version of PuTTY which features a number of additional features. One of such feature is Android adb support. To use it:

  • Select Adb as Connection type
  • Enter -d (for single usb device) or device serial number in the host field
  • ???
  • PROFIT!!!

PuTTYTray configuration

This is a late answer to your question in 2012. I found that if I run Windows PowerShell, I can do "vi" under the adb shell.

Launch PowerShell (use your Android SDK location, not mine)

PS C:\Users\Me> cd Downloads\Android\Sdk\Platform-Tools
PS C:\Users\Me\Downloads\Android\Sdk\Platform-Tools> .\adb shell
root@vbox86p:/ # cd data/data/com.mycorporation.myproj/shared_prefs
root@vbox86p:/data/data/com.mycorporation.myproj/shared_prefs # vi log_prefs

I only used simple vi commands like 'o', 'esc', and ':wq', but it worked well using the full screen (none of the garbage you would see in the Windows Command Prompt).

I've never had your exact problem, but it seems like Cygwin would be a good bet.