RuntimeError: b'no arguments in initialization list'
to make sure this is pyproj error rather than geopandas.
import pyproj
if the above runtime error is the same, we can be sure this error is due to pyproj.
just conda remove pyproj
and install it with pip.
pip install pyproj
at least this works for me.
Today(July 30), I resintalled from miniconda, conda remove pyproj
did not work for me, instead I pip uninstall pyproj
and pip install pyproj
makes everything fine.
The problem is problably within the pyproj instalation of Anaconda on Windows platform. Just like Stephen said, solution is to edit the path in "" (located in ...Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\pyproj).
Correct path is ".../Anaconda3/Library/share". Make sure full path is complete (may contain username etc.). I also needed to change \ to /. This change worked for me. Yes and after this change, it is necesary to restart Spyder (or whatever you use).
Is there an initial crs
I ran into the same problem only when I passed only the epsg command: gdf.to_crs('epsg:4326')
As you show = {'init' :'epsg:3857'}
should be the first step and then transforming to
gdf = gdf.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:4326'})
If you are working in ArcGIS you could also check in the properties whether the initial epsg is defined ?