rust string format code example
Example 1: java string format with placeholder
String s = "hello %s!";
s = String.format(s, "world");
assertEquals(s, "hello world!");
Example 2: python string format
print("My name is {0} and I am {1} years old".format(name, age))
Example 3: C++ string format ctime
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
time_t curr_time;
tm * curr_tm;
char date_string[100];
char time_string[100];
curr_tm = localtime(&curr_time);
strftime(date_string, 50, "Today is %B %d, %Y", curr_tm);
strftime(time_string, 50, "Current time is %T", curr_tm);
cout << date_string << endl;
cout << time_string << endl;
return 0;
Example 4: rust format string
format!("Hello, {}!", "world");
format!("The number is {}", 1);
format!("{:?}", (3, 4));
format!("{value}", value=4);
format!("{} {}", 1, 2);